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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sexy being me!!!

For most of my life I had an issue with my weight.  My weight was the only thing I couldnt control, everything else around me was controlled for me from what I wore to who I associated with. I became obsessed with being thin.thatas why i dont want to have ashort hair coz i think its not fit wearing a shorter hair is not appropriateabout my looks... I felt that only if I were thin they would loved me & accepted. I abused my body, just as I was being abused really. I starved myself, took copious amounts of diet tablets during my highschool days so I could be slim and look sexy. But unfortunately diets pills has so many side effects, i  just read an article about slimming pills,some says it can cause you a dry throat,palpitation,and it can cause you a cancer too! thats why i just stop using them. That was a time in my life after I had my 3 children & in my 30's. Over the past few years I have gained quiet a bit of weight due to excessive eating...junkfoods,carbo foods,and more sweets, softdrinks. And to think  thats okay. I threw the scale away long ago, It is an issue for many woman who think that because they aren't a size 0 they are unacceptable and unloveable......I want to say to you, CELEBRATE WHO YOU ARE, YOUR CURVES, YOUR DIMPLES, because we have eranted them for one by giving birth to our beautiful children and perhaps copy this picture if you find yourself having to stand on the scale every morning obsessing.... being overweight doesn't make you either lazy or not lazy. Most people like to label everything and unfortunately overweight people sometimes get stuck with "lazy". I've known several overweight people and they were not lazy. I'm overweight myself and I'm not lazy and never have been although I'm working hard right now to change my eating habits to more healthier choices. Maybe in a few months when people see me they won't think "lazy". If that's what they think when they see me then who cares? That's their problem, not mine.


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